Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 86

Chuck Norris Joke #86

Newton's Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.

Funny :) Not Funny :(



2020-12-12 10:06:05

if chuck norris ate a rubics cube, he'll crap it out solved.

Blaze monkey

2020-12-02 08:13:40

Chuck noris fot with his shoe and tied


2020-11-16 17:08:48

chuck norris doesnt mow the lawn, he sits on his porch and dares it to grow


2020-10-05 21:00:54

chuck norris is the reason waldo is hiding


2020-10-05 13:45:47

and crying


2020-10-05 13:45:19

sure there is.Pain, bleeding, and death

Grant Neises

2020-04-26 12:29:41

the joke was not very good

moe man

2020-10-03 20:27:41

chuck norris went to the "virgin islands" when he ot back they were just the "islands"


2020-10-03 11:09:30

nice lol


2020-09-23 18:25:06

when chuck norris jumps into a pool he doesnt get wet the pool gets chuck norris