Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 299

Chuck Norris Joke #299

70% of a human's weight is water. 70% of Chuck Norris' weight is his dick.

Funny :) Not Funny :(


chuck norris

2020-12-19 05:46:05

If the devil knocks on my door i'm going to my lab to grab my Chuckzooka


2020-11-18 22:10:17

freddie if Chuck Norris finds your comment he will roundhoues kick you to the face.


2020-10-18 08:44:44

Chuck Norris is a wuss


2020-08-05 18:42:50

That's really gross...

But get this!
A McDonald's employee once denied Chuck Norris a McMuffin. So he stepped outside and roundhouse kicked the building and turned it into a Wendy's

josh culltin

2020-05-06 08:01:00

chuck norris isnt hung like a horse...a horse is hung like chuck norris


2020-04-14 10:20:41

The big bank theory was proven wrong when archeologists found the young chuck norris' diary explaining the day he lost his virginity. Apparently as the adolescent chuck norris climaxed the young lady was blown into a billion pieces to form the earth...this is why we call her "Mother Earth"


2020-01-22 02:34:43

A snake once bit chuck norris, it groaned and died of venum


2020-01-22 02:33:08

Chuck norris once step on quicksand, the quicksand could not escape and drowned

Tucker whittington

2020-11-11 16:24:26

I hope a girl wrote this

A person

2020-08-23 23:26:19

Many supposedly 'crazy' people committed suicide right before the turn of the millenium in 1999. They were not crazy. They just didn't want to die in Chuck Norris's new millenium drunk round house kicking celebration rampage.


2020-04-23 03:34:55

Chuck Norris's dick is so big it has its own dick, and that dick is still bigger than yours


2020-12-09 16:48:41

Duct tape? Chuck Norris doesn't need Duct tape. If something breaks, he'll just give it a roundhouse kick and knock it back into place.


2020-10-25 11:59:39

oh, and

Chuck norris was taught how to roundhouse kick before he was taught how to walk


2020-10-25 11:56:13

here's some of my jokes

the term "one man army" came from chuck norris

One day, chuck norris accidently bumped a huge tower with his arm. This tower is now known as the Leaning tower of Pisa

the Coming of Jesus was supposed to happen when Chuck Norris was born.

people commit suicide because they're afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck norris.


2020-07-24 10:18:35

there are 2 teams in a war. 1 of them are the blue team. the other is the red team . the blue team has 1 million poeple. the red team has 1 person. thats chuck norris. the blue forfits


2020-07-24 09:50:44

y did all the dinosours die. chuck norris came


2020-07-24 09:45:40

if the devil nocks on your door let him in if chuck norris nocks on your door run.