Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 194

Chuck Norris Joke #194

MacGyver can build an airplane out of gum and paper clips, but Chuck Norris can roundhouse-kick his head through a wall and take it.

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2020-04-16 19:39:21

Chuck Norris drinks Nepalm to quench his heartburn.

Reid Brownlie

2020-09-16 17:08:46

Before God said "Let there be light", Chuck Norris said "Let there be God"


2020-09-15 13:06:41

I just got a new app for my phone. It tells me where Chuck Norris is anywhere in the world so I can kneel down and pray in his direction five times a day...


2020-05-31 20:58:57

do u no the black eyed peas? well they were just the peas untill they made fun of chuck norris


2020-08-21 15:57:23

Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi.