Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 241

Chuck Norris Joke #241

Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its decendants are known today as Giraffes.

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2020-06-09 18:34:22


Jessica Norris

2020-05-28 22:35:08

Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that he knocked their lights out... At THEIR HOUSE FOR TWO MONTHS....


2020-04-12 09:52:13

every time you masterbate chuck norris hits a mexican baby in the face


2020-04-01 23:20:22

chuck norris doesnt use steroids, steroids use chuck norris


2020-03-29 06:04:29

CHUCK NORRIS is so tough under his beard there is no chin.... yet only another fist.

Spencer Homitz

2020-01-01 18:25:51

Chuck Norris built Nasa's first space shuttle from the pieces to a blender.


2020-12-25 18:11:32

Sorry,bruce lee killed chuck Norris!


2020-12-25 18:06:26

Chuck Norris is pretty tough,but who's tougher, chuck norris or Jackie chan?I think chuck Norris is way tougher.but in the way of the dragon jackie chan ,so I still think chuck Norris is still the best caues......he's chuck Norris!!!!


2020-12-25 17:56:02

That was a good Joke!


2020-12-22 15:10:40

its aaron this is a funny joke


2020-10-16 02:47:43

classic i love chuck!


2020-10-05 05:29:38

Chuck norris is so great. when he speak, fathers will secure their daughters but forget about their wife right to their next.


2020-07-25 16:45:22

If jesus can walk on water chuck norris can swim on land


2020-09-29 05:22:48

when chuck norris jumps in the ocean, he dosnt get wet, the ocean gets chuck norris


2020-04-10 16:15:03

global warming isnt real its just chuck norris turning up the sun


2020-02-24 22:05:39

The Earth was supposed to be created in 10 days but Chuck Norris gave god 7.


2020-02-02 18:11:40

dumb joke if chuck norris kicked a horse in the chin it would be dead...DUH

Trevor Bradley, sioux city iowa

2020-01-10 11:36:22

chuck norris is a certified bad ass....chuck norris once ate a 72 ounce steak in 1 hour...he spent the first 59 min having sex with the waitress!!!!!!! chuck norris round house kick is so fast that if you put it in slow motion you would see he ate dinner, smoked a cigar, and had sex with your girlfriend...then kicked you!!!


2020-01-03 18:59:13

If Chuck Norris invented a Chuck Norris joke the punchline would kill you.

Lachlan King

2020-10-10 23:27:11

Chuck Norris does not have pubes on his balls because hair does not grow on steel.


2020-08-28 00:54:44

Chuck Norris can Google talk from a public phone


2020-03-30 13:58:38

love this one!!

Wilson Smith

2020-02-25 17:47:01

Hey, love your site, if u need another joke: "If you wake up in the morning its only because Chuck Norris let you live!" or "Chuck Norris doesn't sleep, he waits." Heh, bye!