Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 340

Chuck Norris Joke #340

Chuck Norris was banned from competitive bullriding after a 1992 exhibition in San Antonio, when he rode the bull 1,346 miles from Texas to Milwaukee Wisconsin to pick up his dry cleaning.

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Chuck Norris

2020-05-30 10:11:46

Chuck Norris makes medicne sick.

Chuck Norris

2020-05-30 10:09:14

Chuck Norris jokes are all written by Chuck Norris because only he can joke about Chuck Norris.


2020-02-18 19:42:43

Larceus is a genius!


2020-12-07 18:12:54

Chuck Norris got bored one day so he went to see hairspray in the movie theater... five minutes after the movie started chuck norris roundhouse kicked the screen...He got made because the opening song was "you cant stop the beat"Chuck Norris just wanted to prove that he could stop the beat.


2020-10-28 18:58:10

chuck noris was never born he was always here


2020-10-28 18:57:07

when chuck norris was born god was so arfraid he wet his pants thus creating the ocean


2020-10-28 18:55:15

Chuck Norris is a dodge ball voter


2020-10-28 18:54:02

if you dhow your mussels and there strong. some people say" Look at those guns" well chuck noris guns could break a mirror


2020-10-28 18:52:08

chuck noris is a john wayne wanna be


2020-10-28 18:50:40

chuck noris doesnt dodge bullets, bullets dodge him


2020-08-11 16:33:37

they once made chuck norris toilet paper but it didnt take crap from no one!!!