Chuck Norris Joke #377
Godzilla is a Japanese rendition of Chuck Norris' first visit to Tokyo.
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2020-05-19 06:05:42
Chuck Norris can make a woman climax by simply pointing at her and saying "booya".
Godwin Xuereb
2020-05-19 06:01:44
Chuck Norris recently had the idea to sell his urine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull.
2020-02-27 04:54:33
Dinosuars aren't extinct, they just evolved into Chuck Norris.
mac attack
2020-05-27 19:11:44
When Chuck Norris does push ups, he doesn't push himself up. He pushes the Earth down.
emilio the great
2020-03-31 10:57:43
2020-10-24 18:23:08
chuck norris doesnt cut his grass. he stares at it and dares it to grow
2020-09-21 18:14:38
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did