Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 636

Chuck Norris Joke #636

Chuck Norris does not lie. If something he says is not true it becomes true.

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Nigger Nigger

2020-03-12 15:22:19

Jesus may walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim on land.


2020-03-11 20:42:11

Chuck Norris can hear sign language

ben D. watson

2020-03-11 20:08:28

hitler didn't commit suside cause the russians where coming but cause chuck norris was.

ben D. watson

2020-03-11 20:07:14

there was a second moon around earth... till chuck norris found it

ben D. watson

2020-03-11 19:54:51

chuck norris has divided 0....twice

ben D. watson

2020-03-11 19:47:07

chuck+roundhouse kick -you =

that blank is whats left of you and chuck norris decide to leave the equation afterwards cause he can.

ben D. watson

2020-03-11 19:40:25

there is no theory of evolution, only the species chuck norris lets live.


2020-11-28 09:55:26

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

mark weiner

2020-10-04 05:27:05

chuck norris is chuck norris

banana slug

2020-08-09 11:23:44

ya right

james walter

2020-04-23 12:53:46

i can take chuck down