Chuck Norris Joke #654
Chuck Norris invented a language that incorporates karate and roundhouse kicks. So next time Chuck Norris is kicking your ass, don’t be offended or hurt, he may be just trying to tell you he likes your hat.
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2020-05-03 11:34:24
chuck norris is quite possibly the biggest homosexual there has ever been hows that for a joke then eh
Matt mcAtee
2020-03-27 19:47:45
Chuck Norris can leap tall buildings in a single bound
Chuck noris
2020-03-11 18:02:15
I have a few here,1. chuck noris viseted the virgin islands when he came back it was just the islands. 2.chuck noris can light an ant on fire with a magnifying glass, AT NIGHT! 3.Chuck noris can kill two rocks with a bird. 4. when chuck noris crosses the road, the cars passing have to look both ways before going.
mc lovin
2020-02-11 17:39:53
people say that they are hung like horses.Well horses are hung like chuck norris
Person with a life
2020-01-11 17:53:48
2020-10-30 10:50:43
Chuck Norris got a perfect score on his SAT for writing "Chuck Norris" for every answer
2020-05-08 18:53:26
chuck norris is so tough there is no chin under his beard there is only another fist
Chuck Norris
2020-05-07 11:37:30
Its true. and i rule. now go away or its roundhouse in the face for you.
frank norris
2020-10-23 11:31:25