Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 657

Chuck Norris Joke #657

Chuck Norris eats transformer toys in vehicle mode and poos them out transformed into a robot.

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Bender the Offender

2020-04-01 07:53:01

i, the great Bender the Offender, also known as thewolfkingskeeper and Lady Silvermist the Kind (only to my boyfriend!!!) would like to say this: Chuck Norris is the greatest thing ever. i have 17 pages on my school computer (from which i am now posting this) devoted to him and his facts. i

Bender the Offender

2020-04-01 07:46:41

Flying Spaghetti Monster prays to chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can bench press 220 with his lips.


2020-07-13 10:51:02

what came first the chicken or the egg? Chuck Norris


2020-06-24 15:30:39

These jokes are awesome.