Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 675

Chuck Norris Joke #675

When Chuck Norris had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.

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gabe brown

2020-06-03 16:04:05

when chuck swims all the water evaporates

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:22:25

When Chuck Norris goes up to bat, the pitcher strikes out.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:21:36

Chuck Norris Killed Billy Mayes because he was jealous of his beard.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:20:23

When Madusa links eyes with chuck Norris, Madusa turns to stone.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:18:55

If Chuck Norris has two guns and you have two guns, Chuck Norris has two more guns than you do.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:17:47

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the world down.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:16:48

When Chuck Norris chops an onion, the onion cries.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:15:59

When Chuck Norris gets bit by a vampire, the vampire turns into Chuck Norris.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:15:04

When Chuck norris gets stabbed, the knife bleeds.

Devin jc

2020-03-25 18:14:19

Chuck Norris can swim through land.


2020-10-28 03:59:10

If you're eating pudding and Chuck Norris is eating pumpkin pie, who's really eating pudding?

Chuck Norris is.


2020-06-22 11:56:44

Don't be such a judgemental hater. It's all a matter of opinion what is and is not funny. Too bad your life is so miserable. It's what you make it, you know. Or maybe you don't know. Poor thing. I feel sorry for you. Your mother must not have loved you enough to teach you that.


2020-03-06 18:14:57

Chuck Norris wouldn't need surgery!


2020-05-08 07:42:29

the reason the second plane missed the white house on 9/11 is because the pilot saw chuck norris in the rear view mirror.


2020-10-25 15:40:37

lol nothing can handle chuck