Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 661

Chuck Norris Joke #661

Chuck Norris once tried to defeat Garry Kasparov in a game of chess. When Norris lost, he won in life by roundhouse kicking Kasparov in the side of the face.

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2020-01-17 19:38:57

chuck norris once sold his soul to the devil for his rugged looks and martial arts skills and after ths transaction was finalizaed he roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back and instead of being mad he laughed and said that he should have seen it coming and now they play cards every wendsday of the first month


2020-11-13 21:23:02

Chuck norris doesn't brag about having brags about having Chuck norris


2020-09-13 09:34:53

Chuck Norris one got in a fight with Micheal Jackson thats why he has a fake nose

Joshua Henderson

2020-12-14 02:07:20

Chuck Norris doesn't try ...

Furthermore, he never loses at chess.


2020-08-10 16:33:10

Look, it's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's Superman! NO! It's...Chuck Norris!


2020-02-07 21:13:46

Chuck Norris doesn't get hit by water balloons, water balloons get hit by Chuck Norris.

Marquis Sheppard

2020-01-14 08:12:27

Chuck Norris Doesn't Tea Bag, Chuck Norris Patato Sacks


2020-12-08 14:31:23

it's chuck norris sleeps with a night light because the dark is afraid of him


2020-11-07 18:46:30

Chuck Norris doesnt sleep with a night like because hes afraid of the dark...the dark sleeps with a night light because its afraid of Chuck Norris.


2020-10-25 15:28:17

he can't lose chess wtf... he can get checkmate before the game even starts!


2020-09-28 20:53:41

Chuck Norris once had sex inside of a truck,but some of his sperm leaked into the engine,we now know this truck as Optimus Prime. (>^_^)>


2020-06-07 22:17:44

first things first How does chuck lose in anything

everyone else is to scared to not let him win