Chuck Norris Joke #136
There is in fact an “I” in Norris, but there is no “team”… not even close.
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Klacker lOl
2020-04-17 19:14:23
Special Danger Annoucement:Chuck norris is on the loose, protect your women and plz wear roundhouse resistent medieval knight armor. Keep low, Keep quiet, Keep cool, and keep safe.
2020-12-08 18:06:19
CHuck norris isnt afraid of the dark...the dark is afraid of chuck norris
2020-01-22 11:26:34
why did chuck norris cross the road? so he could eat a vagina
2020-01-22 11:25:45
yea its pretty sweet. i got a joke. Why did rosa parks give up her seat on the bus? she was saving it for Chuck Norris.
jon doe
2020-05-17 03:57:15
this is awsome