Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 59

Chuck Norris Joke #59

Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.

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Kenz Young

2020-08-01 20:51:25

Chuck Norris went to pay his bill when he saw how much it was he drew a picture of him crouching down he never had to pay a bill again

Rachel Stone

2020-06-21 10:16:34

chuck norris's tears could cure cancer...if chuck norris ever cried.


2020-03-31 11:06:37

that's disgusting whore


2020-02-12 16:41:45

world war 2 would have been won in 3 days as promised but Chuck Norris scedueled his vacation that month


2020-07-10 19:50:51

chuck Norris doesn't sell the ice cream, he roundhouse kicks it down your throat, and when I say Ice cream I'm mean to a molten ball of depleted uranium