Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 487

Chuck Norris Joke #487

People often asked the United States what's their weapon against terrorists? US replies...Chuck Norris

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2020-11-11 02:13:27

Chuck Norris once had an accidental erection at the zoo. There were no survivors.


2020-04-06 08:00:40

chuck norris is the best person ever....... i got a joke... chuck norris doesnt fall off an intertube, the intertube runs away.... pretty much same thing.... chuck norris doesnt fall out of a boat, the boat runs away from him


2020-04-05 17:37:12

hahahahaha chuck rules


2020-10-27 06:36:24

this is awesome


2020-06-06 00:57:04

well im tired of hearing whiney retarded people moan about america.

Louise Smith

2020-05-29 18:38:04

The term terrorist has been overused and now grates on many who hear it. A 'war on terror' has been launched by the US after a lone act of terror. It is very hypocritical to invade a country over weapons of mass destruction (or chuck norris) when the US itself is advanced in nuclear weaponry(ie possesses and is only country to have used on civilians). I now can't stand any use of the find this joke particularly unhumourous.