Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 235

Chuck Norris Joke #235

One day Chuck Norris walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors.

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2020-01-14 17:13:58

when chuck norris sleeps the dark is afraid of him

i wanna sex chuck norris

2020-12-31 14:00:05

Chuck norris can be explained with one thing hes a vampyre thats why he can round house kick the shit out of you


2020-03-04 14:15:19

Run for your lives!

Ryan Hagen

2020-04-04 08:39:52

One time i had a massive erection... well... an erection.... a small one... sorry..

Ryan Hagen

2020-04-04 08:39:37

One time i had a massive erection... well... an erection.... a small one... sorry..


2020-03-29 09:56:50

excellent stuff,brought me to a chuckle!