Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 165

Chuck Norris Joke #165

Chuck Norris did in fact, build Rome in a day.

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2020-03-02 22:49:36

what happens when you see chuck norris banging ur wife? u turn around cuz ur next

jeff wagkya

2020-08-04 20:14:09

chuck norris is what willis was talking about

darrell litteral

2020-10-24 14:58:04

your jokes crack me up. i really liked the one about the turtle being crapped out and knowing karate. that one was hilarious!

banana slug

2020-08-11 16:58:39

that's a good one

banana slug

Jackson Hoskins

2020-06-30 21:33:56

Chuck Norris Went to the "Virgin Islands". When he left they changed the name to "Islands".