Chuck Norris Joke #418
The pen is mighter than the sword, but only if the pen is held by Chuck Norris.
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Klacker lOl
2020-04-17 18:52:15
I find that the bleeding that comes after you stab somebody with either a sword or a pen is bout the same, BUT, only the pen causes blood poisening!
churck norris
2020-04-16 19:25:55
chuck norris can do everything except fail
chuck notnorris
2020-03-11 17:42:29
the first movie of alien vs pretetor was called alien vs pretetor vs chuck norris but the producers didnt think people would have liked the movie is it lasted 13 seconds.
2020-01-11 16:28:27
chuck Norris can you kill somebody in five seconds
thomas and jacob
2020-01-11 16:25:37
i liked that joke about waldo is chuck norris able to kick someone in the shin so hard that it would make them look like a donkey.
2020-01-11 16:21:12
2020-08-28 16:54:16
chuck norris
2020-04-06 05:43:29
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck norris?
2020-02-22 12:46:41
(in reference to the Hulk joke) Chuck Norris never gets mad; if he did, life as we know it on this planet would cease to exist.
2020-02-22 12:44:37
Chuck Norris once ate lead. . . and shit cannon balls.