Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 181

Chuck Norris Joke #181

When Chuck Norris was a baby, he didn't suck his mother's breast. His mother served him whiskey, straight out of the bottle.

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2020-05-08 11:52:33

Chuck Norris had his own type of tolite paper, but then it got recalled cause it wouldn't take crap from anyone

taylor griffin

2020-04-04 23:54:43

chuck norris once won an arm-wrestling tournament...with no hands!

the sun heats the earth because chuck norris heats the sun

chuck norris doesnt ever charge his phone..its too scared to die on him!


2020-03-05 22:21:58

HEY ″chuck norris like's men” you ******* ******** GOD IS AWESOME HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA

chuck norris likes men

2020-11-16 13:42:37

lol! god spelt backwards is dog lololololololol :))))


2020-04-25 12:25:58

That joke sucked!