Chuck Norris Joke #332
Every time someone uses the word "intense", Chuck Norris always replies "you know what else is intense?" followed by a roundhouse kick to the face.
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2020-03-16 18:11:53
If you mispell Chuck Norris into Google it does not say. "Did you mean Chuck Norris" it says "run while you still have a chance"
Chuck Norris
2020-08-02 16:11:29
randi these are jokes. It's silly lies that intended to make you laugh. im not sure if made up bullshit is you kind of joke but this the type of jokes.So laugh about it or else i'll find you and roundhouse kick you.
see above
2020-08-02 02:23:47
chuck noris is so strong ppl thought he was on steroids
thomas labissoniere
2020-02-07 05:27:10
every time you masterbate chuck norris punches a baby mexicon in the face
2020-01-17 05:08:18
chuck is the BIG deal!
banana slug
2020-08-11 17:08:58
-banana slug
2020-07-29 13:30:16
Chuck norris' tears can cure cancer. unfortunately, he never cries
2020-07-26 12:32:02
chuck norris jokes are all retarded...i dont see what the big deal is about him