Chuck Norris Joke #488
Chuck Norris wears Orion's Belt around his pinky toe and he eats with the Big Dipper.
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2020-05-01 17:44:44
The reason aliens havent invaded earth is that they dont want to be roundhouse kicked into the sun
2020-02-18 14:36:00
Chuck Norris once went to the virgin islands, when he came back, they were just the islands.
2020-10-02 16:43:29
chuck norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
2020-03-27 18:35:07
chuck norris dosent go hunting because the word hunt implies the probability of failure chuck norris goes killing.
2020-03-26 00:16:03
The bed bugs don't bite Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris EATS them!
2020-01-17 15:08:49
chuck norris just called, he doesn't like you
2020-01-09 13:21:06
Chuck Norris had sex before his dad.
danny palma
2020-01-08 18:58:47
chuck norris doesn't ask girls out. he just says now.
Bob sagot
2020-03-12 19:46:48
chuck norris doesnt cut his grass he dares his grass to grow