Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 408

Chuck Norris Joke #408

They say curiosity killed the cat. This is false. Chuck Norris killed the cat. Every single one of them.

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2020-06-10 13:13:16

I like Chuck Norris jokes too much and i visit this site often and found latest jokes on Chuck Norris.


2020-06-09 14:42:24

jesus walked on water. Chuck Norris walked on jesus


2020-04-18 10:37:31

Chuck Norris Invented the theory of the big bang with a roundhouse kick to the sky


2020-04-12 17:16:57

when chuck norris has sex with a guy it doesnt mean he's gay its just that he has ran out of women


2020-10-19 14:43:46

chuck norris's tears cure cancer...too bad he's never cried.

bob marley

2020-06-24 03:43:49

chuck norris doesnt wear a watch, he decides what time it is

Who Cares

2020-06-11 08:30:03

Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice

ollie Tobugger

2020-06-10 09:14:48

Chuck Norris can watch 60 minutes in 20 minutes


2020-05-03 23:42:54

Chuck Norris once taught a German Sheppard to bark in spanish.


2020-11-21 20:31:56

Chuck Norris once went trick or treating as himself as a child.

Kat Shoemake

2020-05-16 19:56:32

Before he forgot to give Chuck Norris a gift, Santa was real.

Randy Henderson

2020-05-16 08:19:28

Chuck Norris can check his myspace with just a pencil and a piece of paper./Chuck Norris was born as an adult./Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did./Chuck Norris can speak brail./Chuck Norris home-schooled himself./ Chuck Norris can polevault without a pole./Chuck Norris wipes with carboard.

justyn hasten

2020-04-02 10:34:02

chuck norris can kill 2 stones with 1 bird

Jason Bryant

2020-03-29 12:31:28

id doo chuck norrrrris wib my sevann inche pee-pee